Summer Fun!

Our Club’s annual art show in April (discussed in my previous blog) was well attended and a complete success. So many attendees at our “Social” on the Friday night mentioned how excited they were to be able to get together again (this was our first “social” since the end of Covid), and most of them […]
Local Club hosting their annual art show!

Our local art club, of which I am a member, hosts their annual art show this weekend! It’s hard to believe that this year will be the 55th year that the club has held an art show. What a legacy! I am always amazed at the hard work that goes into hosting this type of […]
A New Year Begins

The start of a new year and new adventures is always an exciting time and I always look forward to what direction this next chapter in our lives will take. It has been a while since my last blog and I have no excuses except for the fact that “life” gets in the way. I […]
Autumn’s Activities

This past fall and early winter, life seemed to get in the way again and going into my studio took a bit of a back seat to other things. The pandemic has still been waging war over our life but we have carried on, doing the best we can. Our local community art club started […]
Summer of Discontent

It’s been awhile since I’ve posted as this spring/summer has been a tough one. Living in the interior of British Columbia (Canada), our heat wave and summer storms have been the cause of one wildfire after another, many of which have been too close for comfort. My motivation to create has been fairly low what […]
February Delights . . .

This is my first foray into blog writing and I hope you enjoy sharing my creative journey with me. Please take some time to look around my site, and maybe some of my pieces will give you an extra reason to smile during these days of uncertainty! I’ve been busy in my studio lately and […]